References By Source, Austria

Reference Reference code
Austrian Central Statistical Office (1976). Republic of Austria 1945-1975. Vienna: Austrian Central Statistical Office. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2014. AUT_10
European Demographic Observatory (ODE). Data collection submitted to the HFC by Jean-Paul Sardon, 2011. AUT_01
Human Fertility Database. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) and Vienna Institute of Demography (Austria). Available at Data downloaded on 02.08.2023. [Original URL] AUT_13
Sobotka, T. and A. Stastna. Estimations based on 1984 Austrian census data [unpublished data]. Submitted to the HFC by T. Sobotka on 12.11.2012. AUT_03
Statistics Austria (2011). Altersspezifische einjährige Fertilitätsziffern (Lebendgeborene auf 1.000 Frauen) [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 23.04.2012 [Original URL] AUT_02
Statistics Austria (2012). Statistisches Jahrbuch Österreichs 2012. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 08.12.2011. [Original URL] AUT_06
Statistics Austria (2012). Age specific fertility rates by live birth order, Austria, 2011 [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 15.11.2012. [Original URL] AUT_05
Statistics Austria (2013). Age-specific fertility rates by birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 22.10.2013. [Original URL] AUT_07
Statistics Austria (2014). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 08.07.2014. [Original URL] AUT_09
Statistics Austria (2016). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 04.02.2016. [Original URL] AUT_12
Statistics Austria (2017). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 14.07.2017. [Original URL] AUT_14, AUT_15
Statistics Austria (2018). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 20.09.2018. [Original URL] AUT_16
Statistics Austria (2020). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 06.01.2020. [Original URL] AUT_17
Statistics Austria (2021). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 20.10.2021. [Original URL] AUT_19
Statistics Austria (2021). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on12.02.2021. [Original URL] AUT_18
Statistics Austria (2022). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 05.02.2022. [Original URL] AUT_20
Statistics Austria (2024). Age-specific fertility rates by live birth order [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 31.01.2024. [Original URL] AUT_21
Vienna Institute of Demography, Austrian Academy of Sciences (2013). Geburtenbarometer: Monitoring of Fertility in Austria and Vienna [electronic resource]. Submitted to the HFC by Krystof Zeman, December 2013. [Original URL] AUT_08

The following codes were excluded from the HFC because data were found to be problematic or provisional data were replaced by final data

Reference Reference code
Statistics Austria (2012). Age specific fertility rates by live birth order, Austria, 2010 [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 15.11.2012. [Original URL] AUT_04
Statistics Austria (2015). Age specific fertility rates, for all births and first births, by NUTS-2 regions [electronic resource]. Vienna: Statistics Austria. Data downloaded on 03.11.2015. [Original URL] AUT_11