
Pooled Data Files
Indicator All birth orders combined, females By birth order, females Males
ASFR and CPFR, standardized age scale 1866 - 2022 1982 - 2021 1987 - 2015
TFR and mean age at birth 1866 - 2022 [graphs] 1982 - 2021 1987 - 2015 [graphs]
Data by source, females
Source Source type All birth orders combined By birth order
European Demographic Observatory (ODE). Data collection submitted to the HFC by Jean-Paul Sardon, 2011. research estimates 1941 - 2009 1982 - 2008
Statistics Finland (2009). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2009. Helsinki: Multiprint Oy [electronic resource]. Data downloaded on 31.07.2012. vital statistics 1940, 1946 - 1998
Statistics Finland (2011). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2011. Helsinki: Edita Prima Oy [electronic resource]. Data downloaded on 06.06.2013. vital statistics 1999 - 2010
Festy, P. (1979). La fécondité des pays occidentaux de 1870 a 1970 [Fertility in Western Countries (1870-1970)]. INED: Travaux et Documents Cahier nr. 85 Presses Universitaires de France. research estimates 1866 - 1975
Statistics Finland (2013). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2012. Helsinki: Edita Prima Oy [electronic resource]. Data downloaded on 23.10.2013. vital statistics 2011
Statistics Finland (2014). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2013. Helsinki: Edita Prima Oy. Data downloaded on 09.01.2014. vital statistics 2012
Central Statistical Office of Finland (1954). Statistical Yearbook of Finland, new series 49. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2015 (S1FL1953). vital statistics 1946 - 1949
Central Statistical Office of Finland (1970). Official Statistics of Finland VI A:128. Review of Vital Statistics in the Years 1951-1965. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2015 (S1FL1951-65). vital statistics 1951 - 1959, 1956 - 1961
Central Statistical Office of Finland (1973). Statistical Yearbook of Finland, new series 69. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2015 (S1FL1973). vital statistics 1966 - 1969
Central Statistical Office of Finland (1980). Statistical Yearbook of Finland, new series 76. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2015 (S1FL1980). vital statistics 1971 - 1979
Central Statistical Office of Finland (1978). Official Statistics of Finland VI A:140. Population 1976 Volume 1. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data accessed at INED (library) in February 2015 (S3FL1976). vital statistics 1976
Statistics Finland (2014). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2014. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Data downloaded on 19.02.2015. vital statistics 2013
Haines, M.R. (1990). Western fertility in mid-transition: fertility and nuptiality in the United States and selected nations at the turn of the century. Journal of Family History. 1990: 15-23. Data downloaded on 30.07.2014. research estimates 1871 - 1890
Statistics Finland (2015). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2015. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Data downloaded on 04.02.2016. vital statistics 2014
Statistics Finland (1951). Statistical Yearbook of Finland. New series- 46th. Year 1950. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland [electronic resource]. Data downloaded on 25.06.2016. vital statistics 1866 - 1945
Human Fertility Database. Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research (Germany) and Vienna Institute of Demography (Austria). Available at Data downloaded on 02.08.2023. vital statistics 1939 - 2021 1982 - 2021
Statistics Finland (2017). Statistical Yearbook of Finland 2016. Helsinki: Statistics Finland. Data downloaded on 14.07.2017. vital statistics 2015
Statistics Finland (2018). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 23.01.2018. vital statistics 2016
Statistics Finland (2018). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 26.09.2018. vital statistics 2017
Statistics Finland (2020). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 06.01.2020. vital statistics 2018
Statistics Finland (2020). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 29.05.2020. vital statistics 2019
Statistics Finland (2021). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 08.11.2021. vital statistics 2020
Statistics Finland (2022). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 05.10.2022. vital statistics 2021
Statistics Finland (2024). Age-specific fertility rates by Year, Age of mother and Information [electronic resource]. Helsinki: Central Statistical Office of Finland. Data downloaded on 31.01.2024. vital statistics 2022